MVSRA Constitution

Revised Sept 28, 2014


Section 1

The name of this organization shall be the "Mid-Valley Soccer Referees Association", hereinafter referred to as MVSRA.


Section 1

The MVSRA shall be a not-for-profit corporation, registered with the State of Oregon.


Section 1

The purpose of the MVSRA shall be to promote interest in the game of soccer throughout the Mid-Willamette Valley by providing referees for soccer games at all levels of competition.

Section 2

To accomplish the above, the MVSRA shall provide for the recruitment and training of member referees.

Section 3

In all of its activities, the MVSRA shall promote sportsmanship, safety, and knowledge of the sport of soccer.


Section 1

The MVSRA shall be affiliated with and chartered by the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA). Interscholastic soccer shall be the primary client group for MVSRA activities.

Section 2

In addition to OSAA client schools, other organizations sponsoring soccer leagues or competitions may become clients of the MVSRA by entering into a formal contract for that purpose. Examples of such organizations include the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) or its affiliates, the Oregon Youth Soccer Association (OYSA), municipal soccer leagues, and/or independent soccer clubs.

Section 3

All clients of the MVSRA should enter into a written agreement with the MVSRA outlining the service arrangements for that client and the MVSRA.


Section 1

Membership in MVSRA shall be available to any person who meets the requirements as outlined in the MVSRA Operating Guidelines. All MVSRA members must annually maintain the listed requirements outlined in the MVSRA Operating Guidelines.

Section 2

Affiliate, non-voting membership shall be available to any person who is at least 12 years of age. Affiliate members may not officiate OSAA-sponsored competition. They will generally be limited to non-OSAA affiliated game assignments as assistant referees.

Section 3

Emeritus, voting membership shall be available to any previous MVSRA member in good standing with at least five years of experience as an MVSRA official. Obtaining emeritus membership status requires no certification and shall be granted upon approval from the Executive Board. Emeritus members are not eligible for game assignments but may continue participation with the MVSRA.

Section 4

Membership shall not be limited on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, marital status, or sexual orientation.

Section 5

Membership may be revoked by a majority vote of the entire membership upon a recommendation by the Executive Board to revoke such membership.

Section 6

All members shall be considered independent contractors to the MVSRA. Members must annually agree with and enter into a MVSRA Independent Contractor Agreement. Members shall follow and adhere to the guidelines as outlined in the MVSRA Independent Contractor Agreement.


Section 1

The elected officers shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Member at Large, Secretary, Treasurer, and Trainer.

Section 2

The President (or his/her designee) shall preside at all meetings of the MVSRA and all meetings of the Executive Board. The President shall have the authority to call an emergency meeting of the general membership, or an emergency meeting of the Executive Board, whenever the President deems necessary. Additionally, the President shall call an emergency meeting of the Executive Board when requested by at least two other Executive Board Members.

Section 3

The Vice-President shall carry out the duties of the President in the President's absence, complete the President's term of office if the President is not able to do so, and take on other duties at the President's request.

Section 4

The Secretary shall take roll at all meetings, and shall keep an accurate written record of all proceedings.

Section 5

The Treasurer shall ensure payments are received from MVSRA clients, collect dues and other fees from MVSRA members, disburse game fees and travel monies as owed to member referees, and keep an accurate and current accounting of all MVSRA monies.

Section 6

The Trainer shall be responsible for developing and presenting training programs for MVSRA members, with particular focus on the development needs of newer referees. This officer (or his/her designeee) shall attend the annual OSAA Rules Clinic and present new rules, points of emphasis, and other pertinent information to the membership.

Section 7

The Past President shall serve on the Executive Board immediately following that person's term as President. The Past President shall advise the President concerning the duties of that office, and take on other duties at the President's request.

Section 8

If the office of Past President is vacant, or the current Past President has served for more than one year immediately following that person’s term as President, or in the event that the Past President is unable to serve on the Executive Board, the office of Past President will be replaced by a Member at Large. The Member at Large shall be an elected office. Any MVSRA member may be voted into the office of Member at Large. The Member at Large shall take on other duties of the Executive Board at the President’s request.

Section 9

The Webmaster shall be an appointed office of the MVSRA and appointed by the Executive Board to act as a non-voting officer. The Webmaster shall update, maintain, and administer the MVSRA website.


Section 1

All officers shall serve one year terms of office. New officers will be elected and/or appointed at the last scheduled general membership meeting in October.

Section 2

Officers shall be nominated by the membership during the same meeting at which elections are held.

Section 3

The one-year terms of office shall begin on December 1 and end on November 30 of the following year.

Section 4

Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire membership at any scheduled meeting.

Section 5

There is no limit to the number of terms that any officer may hold office.

Section 6

In the event of an open office before the term’s expiration except as noted in Article VI, Section 3, a special election shall be held to nominate and vote in a replacement. This special election shall be held at the next scheduled general membership meeting.

Section 7

Elected offices shall be determined by a majority vote of the membership present at the election.

Section 8

No MVSRA member shall hold more than one voting office at a time.


Section 1

The Commissioner shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership present at the election for a three-year term of office. This election shall take place in the third year of the Commissioner’s term during the same meeting elections are held for MVSRA officers.

Section 2

The Commissioner shall enter into a contract with the MVSRA. The Commissioner shall perform in a complete and timely fashion the duties as specified in this contract, as outlined in the MVSRA Operating Guidelines, and as directed by the Executive Board.

Section 3

The Commissioner is the liaison between the clients of the MVSRA and the MVSRA membership. Negotiation with clients and problem resolution with the appropriate representatives is carried out through the Commissioner.

Section 4

The Commissioner shall be responsible for refereeing assignments for the MVSRA. Assignments shall be based upon the criteria outlined in the MVSRA Operating Guidelines, service agreements as stated in Article IV, Section 3, and with input from the Executive Board.

Section 5

The Commissioner may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire membership at any scheduled meeting.


Section 1

The voting members of the Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers described in Article VI, Section 1 and the Past President or the Member at Large as described in Article VI, Sections 7 & 8. The Commissioner shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.

Section 2

The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of two times each year: once in early summer and once before the end of the calendar year. The Board may hold additional meetings at the President's discretion or when requested by at least two other Executive Board members.

Section 3

A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of the President (or Vice-President in the President's absence) and any three other voting Executive Board members.

Section 4

The duties of the Executive Board shall include the following:

  1. Develop and publicize the schedule of MVSRA general meetings.
  2. Authorize the expenditure of MVSRA monies.
  3. Monitor and facilitate relationships with all organizations utilizing MVSRA referees. The Commissioner bears primary responsibility for maintaining relationships with OSAA clients.
  4. Gather information to evaluate member referees on their field performance, and assign all MVSRA referees to internally determined rankings as outlined in the MVSRA Operating Guidelines.
  5. Working with the Commissioner, recommend referees for post-season interscholastic play.
  6. As necessary, propose revisions to the MVSRA Constitution and to the MVSRA Operating Guidelines.
  7. Conduct any other MVSRA business not specifically covered in this Constitution or in the MVSRA Operating Guidelines.

Section 5

The Executive Board shall authorize the President to appoint such standing and/or special committees as the Board deems necessary for the efficient operations of the MVSRA.

Section 6

No financial commitments obligating the MVSRA shall be agreed to by any officer, by the Commissioner, or by any MVSRA committee without specific approval from the Executive Board.


Section 1

The Executive Board shall annually set dates for a minimum of two general meetings in late summer preceding the start of the high-school soccer season, and four general meetings during the high-school season. General meetings during the high-school season shall be no more than three weeks apart.

Section 2

Members must attend scheduled meetings as outlined in the MVSRA Operating Guidelines.

Section 3

Meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order for the carrying out of MVSRA business. For purposes of voting, unless otherwise specified, a quorum consists of one-half of the full membership.

Section 4

During the period between December 1 and August 15, voting on MVSRA items may be conducted by mail or by electronic method, as long as members are provided a minimum of ten days to vote.


Section 1

Any specific guideline not covered in this Constitution shall be included in the MVSRA Operating Guidelines.

Section 2

The Executive Board shall annually review and update as necessary the MVSRA Operating Guidelines.

Section 3

Changes to the Operating Guidelines may be proposed by members at general membership meetings, and shall be implemented upon a majority vote of the membership present.

Section 4

During the period between December 1 and August 15, the Executive Board may propose amendments without holding a regular meeting and voting procedures shall comply with Article X, Section 4.

Section 5

Failure to comply with the Operating Guidelines may be considered just cause for removal of any member, in accordance with Article V, Section 4.


Section 1

Amendments to this Constitution may be made during any regular meeting of the membership, provided that a written notice of the proposed amendments has been given to the membership at least one week prior to the meeting.

Section 2

During the period between December 1 and August 15, the Executive Board may propose amendments without holding a regular meeting and voting procedures shall comply with Article X, Section 4.

Section 3

Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall become effective upon a two-thirds majority vote of the entire membership.


Section 1

Upon the dissolution or liquidation of the MVSRA, the Executive Board shall first make provision for paying all liabilities of the corporation. Any remaining funds shall be contributed, at the discretion of the Executive Board, to an Oregon not-for-profit corporation that promotes the sport of soccer.

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